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To achieve the highest results and make valuable contribution to the community we created SMART goals: 


to support the programme  "Tyg'an  jer" (Motherland)  as the message of  the  Head of state   "Ryhani Jan'g'yry" .

to develop quality  education of blind kids  and remove inequality   in the inclusive education as the part of Sustanable development goals   within UNESCO.



S - specific - To create a visual map for blind kids based on the content of educational books for grades 1 and 2 in inclusive schools to serve the educational needs of learning about Kazakhstan;  

M - measurable - To create 4 maps based on the educational curricula and analyze of the national message of the President of Kazakhstan  and to distribute these maps to the government, school for blind kids №71;  

A - attainable - To work on the project promotion via website and Instagram within the community to raise the importance of quality and equal education and fundraising money; analyze the books and message of the President; create drafts and  contact the publishing agency  to print the maps; 

R - relevant - To continue developing the Map of Kazakhstan project as we over the first  step in 2017. Additionally the Head of Kazakhstan sent the message to support the Government programme of learning about Motherland and we would like to focus on inclusive education; 

T - time-based - To work within 5 months (February - May) on the project based to our plan. 

Our plan for January - May 2018 year:



  1. January - to analyze the the context need by visiting the school for blind kids and interview the teachers; observe 2 lessons to understand the methodology of working with blind kids;

  2. February - to start reading the books that school uses as curricula and highlight the important information about Kazakhstan; Connect with international organizations to get advice of their experience; create a site and distribute the information among the community; 

  3. March - to create a draft with the maps and discuss the printing issues with the agency; To develop the STL graphic as the 3D model; 

  4. April - to connect to the Government and demonstrate an awareness of the inclusive education and materials available that serves the curricula; 

  5. May -  to submit the final maps and observe the lesson devoted to the Kazakhstan History; to finalize the outcomes and find the further way of Map development and distribution to other schools and cities in Kazakhstan;  

Development skills: 

Analytical skills

  • To analyze the current resources and apply for the project development

Self-management skills

  • To plan and organize time and follow the established plan

Critical and creative thinking

  • To evaluate the current resources to create a map and find the best solution to create the final product

Need to develop

Informational literacy

-To find and learn the technology of map designing, we would contact the Publishing agencies to show us a master-class on working with 3D printer, to create a Netwroking contacts

Affective and reflective skills 

Celebrate the first success as a motivaiton to our network community 

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