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Project today

On May 2017 we already knew how to develop our project "Map of Astana", so in October, 2017 we started to make a research on the needs of blind students in Kazakhstan

We wanted to base our research on the national documents so we could have an official data and support for the project development and promotion. 

We visited school for blind kids ans observed the lesson. Our first idea was to create a "Map of Astana" for blind tourists, however, when we interview the teacher, she said that we do not any materials to serve the national curriculum. After that interview we decided to adapt the message of the N.A.Nazarbayev, the President of Kazakhstan developing 

We purchased the books of Natural Science, biology and history of Kazakhstan in grades 1 and 2 and analyzed the content. We used critikal thinking and research methods to indetify priproy infirmation taking into account the message of the Presidet. While reading the books, we put stickers to reflect on the different options and find better solutions to project the visual learning material into "sensitive" learning resources.  

We found out that the Alphabet book consists of 5 huge books for each student and the price of 1 book is around 250$! Just imagine how it is difficult to upbring a well-educated and open-minded blind child and make him aware of the global needs, because, we believe, that all people can contribute to the community. 

We would like to attract the public attention and to raise this ussie to the government according to the Sustainable development and National issues: 

We need to support blind kids and provide them equal and quality education. Quoting the President N.A.Nazarbayev message of learning "Motherland", we want to support blind students showing the buty and treasure of our country so the students may become active citizens of our national community and become active leaders in global world. 

We chosed the appropriate content and differentiated map into 4 different "parts" that we call chapters, as they come from chapters:

  1. Animals in Kazakhstan, the map demonstrates the sensitive representation of local rare animals; 

  2. Landscape,  the map demonstrates the main and area borders with the names of the city and sites of the world;

  3. Sightseeing, the map demonstrates the different naitonal objects, such as UNESCO world heritage. 

  4. Symbols, the map demonstrates national sumbols of Kazakhstan, so the students may feel their identity to the local community and make connetions and comparisons to the world community. 

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